Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sydney 2010

They came, they saw and they.....sat

I joke, they were actually working so much that Pam couldn't stay still long enough to take a steady photo.

...and off they go across the seas to a show near you.

Pam and Brenda are home again and buzzing from the wonderful experience of Sydney.
The feedback and response was so positive and rewarding.

I wonder where we will go and who we will meet next?
stay tuned...


Joy said...

Oooh, you're on the road ;o)!!!! Will we see you at the Textile show in Brissy???
Joy :o)

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Sounds like you had wayyy to much fun in Sydney.
Yeah, come to Melbourne next, I'll see you there!

Anonymous said...

The response should be good, it's great thread!!!!

Helene Juul said...

Hallo, I was looking for a way to contact you regarding wholesale of your lovely thread, but didn't find an email or anything?
Please contact me on, regards Helene quiltshop owner from Denmark

Sew Useful Designs said...

Hi Katie!!
It was so lovely to meet you at the show in Melbourne on Saturday! I've mentioned you on my blog and hope to stay in touch!

Best wishes!
Vikki :-)

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

sounds like you had the most wonderful time!

James Bailey said...

Great. Embroidery Digitizing Services Nice.